Sonic Forces [NS, PC, PS4, XBO] – Giant Snake / Sonic

Media: video game: “Sonic Forces”
Developer: Sonic Team
Computer, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One


At the end of Stage 8, Luminous Forest, a giant snake will emerge from the trees as Sonic approaches, followed by a quick time event. If the first quick time event is failed, Sonic will be swallowed by the snake and must restart at the last checkpoint. If the first quick time event is a success, Sonic will dodge the snake and run along its body. It will throw Sonic into the air and swallow him anyway, with a small bulge going down its body. A second quick time event follows, and whether or not any input is made, Sonic will still be spit out, the difference being that if Sonic struggles, the snake will be dazed and spits Sonic, causing him to automatically cross the finish line, whereas if Sonic does not struggle, the snake will simply spit him out right before the finish line and leaves afterwards.

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Last Updated: 2020 Sep 16.

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