Category Archives: ♙ ocean sunfish

The prey has characteristics of ocean sunfish, large fish with a short body and prominent dorsal and ventral fins.

Kirby’s Dream Land 3 [NS, SNES, Wii, Wii U] – Peloo / Kirby and Friends

Media: video game: “Kirby’s Dream Land 3”
Developer: HAL Laboratory
Platform: Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Wii U, Super Nintendo Entertainment System


In stage 3-6 of this game, most of the area is confined in a black pyramid-like structure. Toward its exit (taking the direct-right path in the main room), there are disembodied faces known as Peloo who only reveal themselves when Kirby is near. If Kirby (and partner, if applicable) walk below it, it will extend a very long tongue to pull Kirby in before chewing him up and spitting him out.

Kirby’s partners include Kine the ocean sunfish, Pitch the bird, Coo the owl, Chuchu the octopus, Nago the cat and Rick the hamster.

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Kirby’s Dream Land 3 [NS, SNES, Wii, Wii U] – Pacto / Kirby and Friends

Media: video game: “Kirby’s Dream Land 3”
Developer: HAL Laboratory
Platform: Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Wii U, Super Nintendo Entertainment System


There is a yellow, sentient enemy waiting near the end of the first screen, known as Pacto, that is first encountered in level 2-3. If Kirby (and partner, if applicable) wanders under it, it will descend and try to close its jaws and chew with a high pitched squeaky sound. Kirby is then released.

Each of Kirby’s friends include Kine the ocean sunfish, Pitch the bird, Coo the owl, Chuchu the octopus, Nago the cat and Rick the hamster.

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