Category Archives: tail

Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle [And, iOS] – Cell / Android 17, 18

Media: video game: “Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle”
Developer: Akatsuki
Platform: Android, Apple iOS

Note: This game requires an internet connection and server-side authentication.


[Monster Created by a Computer] Cell (1st Form) is a unit that can be acquired in certain Dokkan Festival gacha banners, and can be Dokkan Awakened into the unit [Ultimate Life Form with Immense Power] Cell (1st Form).

[Ultimate Life Form with Immense Power] Cell (1st Form) begins battle as is, but when his third turn begins, an animation will play of him using his tail to absorb Android 17, transforming himself into Cell (2nd Form). At the beginning of his next turn, another animation will play in which he absorbs Android 18, transforming himself into Cell (Perfect Form), reflecting the events in the anime and manga.

These transformations are temporary and last the duration of the battle, being able to be repeated. Androids 17 and 18 are not required to be in the party for these to trigger.

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