Rayman Legends [NS, Stad, PC, PS3, PS4, Vita, Wii U, XB360, XBO] – Tentacle Claw / Player Characters

Media: video game: “Rayman Legends”
Developer: Ubisoft Montpellier
Platform: Computer, Google Stadia, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Wii U, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Xbox 360, Xbox One


There are enemies known as Tentacle Claws in the game, with different variations. Some may only be a spiked tentacle with a eye and mouth, though these only deal contact damage. In as early as the second level, Creepy Castle of the Teensies in Trouble painting, there is a variant of these enemies in which multiple eyed claws are attached to a blob-like main body with a large mouth. If approached, the claws will try to grab at the player character. If successful, the tentacle will pull the character into the mouth, which has a special animation in which it closes upward around the character, chews them and eats them, forcing the player to instantly restart the section.

Due to imperfect tracking and hit detection, the character pulled in may not even reach the mouth, or may still be visible on either side of the Tentacle Claw’s mouth. The ‘bubblize’ effect and particles when a character dies will still show.

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Last Updated: 2022 Jun 24.

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